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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
9 Reasons Why I AM An Amazon Affiliate
John Chow today posted a post outlining why he’s not an Amazon Affiliate. It’s a good post in that it gives an insight into his approach to affiliate marketing. The best point John alludes to is that Amazon doesn’t ‘fit’ with his blog. He makes more from other better targeted affiliate programs than Amazon.
However the Amazon Associates Program is well worth considering for some bloggers. I use it and this month it’ll earn me over $2500 USD – not my biggest income stream, but not the ‘pennies and dimes’ that some say it has the potential to earn.
To bring a little balance to the debate over the Amazon Affiliate program I thought I’d give a few reasons that I am an Amazon Affiliate:
1. Amazon is a trusted Brand – I surveyed some of my readers a year back and asked them to give me a list of online stores that they had made purchases from in the last 12 months. Amazon came up number 1 as the most popular shopping destination mentioned. Readers know Amazon and are familiar with it – they trust it and do spend significant money there.
2. Commissions – John writes that he’s not satisfied with a 4% commission. He’s right in some ways, 4% isn’t that much when you’re selling a $10 book – however when you’re selling a Get a Price on the$5000 Camera or a $25,000 Tractor (I know someone who does quite well out of ride on mowers and tractors) it certainly adds up. Not only that, the 4% rate that John talks about is the base rate. Unfortunately it is as high as it goes on consumer electronics – however on most other products there is a sliding scale where the more you sell the higher your commission goes to. Sell more than 6 items in a month and your commission goes to 6% – sell over 630 and you’re up to 8% (the rate I’m on). The 4-Hour work Week that John uses as an example earned me around $1 a book. Still not a lot – but I did sell 100 or so of them (after my interview with it’s author) which not only earned me $100 but also helped push the numbers of sales up for the month, moving me into the next earning bracket.
3. People Buy More than One Item – the great thing about Amazon is that you don’t just earn a commission on the product that you people to, but anything that they buy once they’re at Amazon. I did an experiment earlier in the year where I published a review of a digital photography book on my blog and placed a tracking code in the link to see how much the review earned me specifically. What I found was that the product in the review did quite well – but the sales of other products that people made once they got to Amazon was actually much greater than the sales of the actual book. People went on to buy all manner of products (other books, electronics, cosmetics etc) – I earned a commission on each one of them – now that’s passive income. You earn a commission on anything that a person buys within 24 hours of you sending them to Amazon.
4. Easily Integrated – There are more and more plugins and tools that have Amazon Affiliate integration built into them to help you easily place links in your blog posts. I use ecto for Mac which has a tool that searches for products and links them in in just a couple of clicks. WP has plugins also. The affiliate links already mentioned in this post took seconds to integrate in.
5. Payment Options – Amazon pays their affiliates in a number of ways. One of the things that I like is that they give you the option to be paid in products instead of cash. I don’t do this every month (I couldn’t spend that $20,000+ a year at Amazon… well maybe I could) but occasionally do and use it as prizes for blog readers. I recently offered DPS readers $500 of Amazon products in a forum signup competition. The prize is paid for out of my affiliate earnings.
6. Small Payments Add Up – In my early days of making money from blogs I didn’t have the luxury of picking and choosing my income streams as much as I (and other full time bloggers) now do. I needed to earn money somewhere and even the small amounts that Amazon brought in were better than nothing. Over time these payments began to add up. In the early days I didn’t even earn enough for a minimum payment amount and had to wait a few months before they’d pay me – but those pay outs were milestones that I celebrated. If I’d not gone with Amazon because they didn’t earn me a lot I might not have gone with any ad networks or affiliate programs – sometimes you have to take what you can get.
7. It’s an Investment that Matures Over Time – My approach with Amazon is to treat it a little like a savings account or an investment that you put a little into each week and which matures in it’s earnings over time. What do I mean by this? I add links to Amazon over time and find that in doing so I’m creating more and more doorways into the Amazon store. Each time I do I increase the chances of sending someone to Amazon and seeing returns on those visits.
8. The Holidays are Boom Time – While I’m really happy with the way my Amazon Affiliate income is growing ($2500 a month is so far beyond what I’d ever expected from it in the early days) it’s worth noting that things really fire up in the lead up to Christmas and the holiday season. Over the last few years I’ve noticed significant jumps in Amazon earnings in December (as much as 100%). The key is to plan ahead (make sure your links are all up to date a couple of months out) and run a few Christmas specific posts in the lead up to the Holiday rush (start to prepare as early as October/November).
9. Wide Array of Products
What initially attracted me to using Amazon’s Affiliate program was the breadth of products that they had in their system. This is a great thing if you’re niche is narrow or quite obscure as many bloggers find it difficult to find affiliate programs to match their blog’s focus. Blogs like John’s and mine here at ProBlogger do have an array of options for affiliate programs (which is why I don’t use it a lot on this blog and make most of my earnings from Amazon from product related blogs) but many bloggers don’t have the luxury of being able to choose high paying affiliate programs because they simply don’t relate to our topics. Amazon then becomes one of the more attractive options.
What initially attracted me to using Amazon’s Affiliate program was the breadth of products that they had in their system. This is a great thing if you’re niche is narrow or quite obscure as many bloggers find it difficult to find affiliate programs to match their blog’s focus. Blogs like John’s and mine here at ProBlogger do have an array of options for affiliate programs (which is why I don’t use it a lot on this blog and make most of my earnings from Amazon from product related blogs) but many bloggers don’t have the luxury of being able to choose high paying affiliate programs because they simply don’t relate to our topics. Amazon then becomes one of the more attractive options.
So is the Amazon Affiliate Program for you?
I can’t answer that question for everyone – I won’t pretend that it works brilliantly on every blog but I know quite a few bloggers making significant earnings each month from the program. Blogs with a strong product focus can do quite well through the program if links to Amazon are well integrated into posts (see some of the links below for tips). I would advise moderation in using the program – don’t place them in every post you write unless they are relevant. Links placed in genuinely helpful reviews do better than links and banners in sidebars.
The best way to see if it converts is to give it a go.
How to Make Money from Amazon Affiliate Program
I’ve written numerous tips on how to optimize a blog for earning money from the Amazon Associates Program. I hope that some of these posts help you increase your earnings from the program:
- 10 Tips for Using Affiliate Programs on your blogs (not Amazon specific but the principles apply)
- How to Dramatically Increase Amazon Affiliate Sales with Bestseller Lists
- The Secret to Increasing Amazon Associate Earnings – Time
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
KLIFE sudah menambah 3 produk baru. klik http://www.klife.com.my untuk melihat produk terbaru ni.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
KLIFE telah mengorak langkah berani. Pada tahun baru ini KLIFE akan menambah produk yang ada dan mempertingkatkan lagi kuantiti dan kualiti produk yang ada. Disamping itu kempen iklan yang kini mula menampakan kesan akan dipergiatkan lagi. Hasilnya ialah pertambahan bilangan ahli dan stokist yang ketara. Iklan KLIFe yang kini dipaparkan di TV3 dan juga di Harian Metro telah membawa suatu kejutan kepada KLIFe kerana sehingga 2 Januari 2010 yang lepas KLIFe telah keputusan produk!. Pertambahan permintaan yang mendadak menyebabkan KLIFe terpaksa meminta KILANG DERMILAB menambah produksi. Inilah hebatnya KLIFe. Jenama baru buatan bumiputera buatan Malaysia.
SPG sebagai ahli dan antara kumpulan terbesar dalam KLIFe dengan ini mengumumkan beberapa sasaran SPG.
SPG dengan ini melancarkan kempen "AHLI SAMPAI SM" yang mana dalam kempen ini ahli akan dibantu untuk mencapai tahap SM dalam masa 3 bulan sahaja!. INI sasaran pertama SPG. Sebagai kumpulan yang mempunyai ahli sehingga 78 orang setakat ini maka seharusnya SPG boleh menjadikan ahli-ahlinya SM dalam masa tersebut. INi juga membantu ahli-ahli SPG-KLIFE mendapat lebih manfaat SM. [PENDAPATAN SM BOLEH MENCECAH RM1K dalam sebulan!]
SPG juga dengan ini melancarkan kempen "AHLI JADI STOKIST' yang mana dalam kempen ini ahli digalakkan menjadi stokist kerana promosi yang dijalankan oleh KLIFE amat berbaloi untuk ahli memilih menjadi stokist. Kalau dulu untuk menjadi STOKIST ahli perlu ada RM10K tetapi kini dengan hanya RM5k ahli boleh menjadi stokist dan pendapat stokist adalah berkali ganda!.
SPG juga akan melancarkan iklan sendiri iaitu dengan mengedarkan flyer KLIFe berjumlah 10,000 dalam masa 3 bulan ini. Oleh itu, ahli-ahli digalakkan berhubung dengan upline masing-masing untuk mendapatkan flyers tersebut.
KLIFEMAN. 4 Januari 2010.
DEWAN SEMINAR UNTUK BOM [ini BOM pada 2.1.2010]
Mengenali MLM- penerangan kepada newcomer
MLM? apa tu?
Untung dalam MLM? (asasnya lah)
Penjualan produk secara terus kepada pengguna/pelanggan
Jualan produk secara terus ialah kita jual produk terus kepada pelanggan dan kita dapat untung atas jualan tu. Contoh kita jual stokin klife, kita jual harga RM42 kepada pelanggan. Harga ahli ialah rm38. Maka kita dah dapat untung RM 4. Makin tinggi nilai RM produk tu, makin tinggi pulangan pendapatan untung runcit kita.Komisyen jualan daripada ahli kumpulan
Komisyen jualan daripada ahli kumpulan inilah yang sampai mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit. itu yang kita dengar si mamat tu dah dapat pendapatan 5 angka, 6 angka dan bermacam2 angka (ada juga yang dapat nangka je).
Apabila kita kenalkan orang kepada brand produk tu, maka apabila orang tu beli kita akan dapat untung atas jualan tersebut. Percentage keuntungan tu tinggi juga. Semakin ramai orang dalam group itu membeli, semakin tinggi percentage yang kita dapat. Ini yang dipanggil networking purchasing power.
Penipuan dalam MLM (ini sebahagiannya)
Tapi malangnya, disebabkan itu juga, maka ada yang menipu. Tak kiralah dari ahli ataupun dari pihak syarikat. Mereka ini juga yang merosakkan MLM.
Ahli menipu?
Ahli menipu apabila mereka ini beli pangkat. Sebab bila beli pangkat maka percentage untung lagi tinggi. Semakin tinggi pangkat semakin banyak percentage. Untuk dapatkan percentage tinggi, maka upline paksa downline beli produk banyak-banyak. Jadi upline tu makan/dapat untung banyak lah.
Syarikat menipu?
Syarikat lak menipu apabila ia bagi plan pendapatan yang melampau akal. Ada ke patut komisyen sampai 100%? gila ke apa. Kalau bagi 100% untung, syarikat nak untung apa?
Syarikat juga menipu apabila claim kebaikan/kelebihan produk melampau-lampau batasan akal fikiran manusia waras, sampai ada yang kata produk dia boleh sembuhkan semua penyakit. Ada akai ka?
Ada juga syarikat yang ambil produk syarikat lain, rebranding dan jual mahal2. Kemudian sudah dapat untung, tutup syarikat. Kemudian 2-3 tahun bukak syarikat lain pulak. Buat benda yang sama. Tokey pergi macau berjudi, kalah judi balik Malaysia bukak syarikat MLM.
FYI, satu syarikat MLM boleh untung RM6 juta dalam masa setahun lebih sahaja!. Ini terbukti, sebab tu ramai tokey-tokey yang nak buka syarikat MLM.
Untung mlm? macam mana? (sebahagiannya)
Macam mana MLM boleh untung? contoh macam ni, satu produk tu syarikat mark up untung sampai 100%. macam mana? katakan Botol air harga rm4 (termasuk kos), syarikat jual RM 44. Berapa untung dah tu? Sebab apa mark up? Sebab nak bayar komisyen sampai la level ke 7 atau 8 (ikut plan syarikat). Jadi pilihlah syarikat dengan pendapat yang munasabah. Lihat sama ada syarikat tersebut mengeluarkan produk sendiri macam KLIFe. Mark up KLife hanya sekitar 30-40% sahaja. Sebab apa? sebab KLIFe ada kilang sendiri dan pengeluar produk sendiri.
Ada ke syarikat yang betul-betul genuine MLM?
Ada. contoh macam Amway, AVON, CNI dan yang kami join iaituKLIFe (promosi skit). Masing-masing dah berpuluh tahun dalam bidang MLM ni. Kukuh lagi mereka ni. Kenapa? Sebab plan pendapatan yang munasabah dan produk yang berkualiti.
Apa potensi industri ni?
Sangat luas dan banyak potensinya. Dianggarkan MLM akan berkembang/bertambah sehingga RM8bilion kat malaysia sahaja dalam 6 tahun lagi.
Kenapa nak join mlm?
Macam-macam sebab. Ada yang pasal duit. Ada yang pasal produk. Ingat, produk MLM sepatutnya produk exclusive yang tak ada dikedai-kedai biasa.
Nasihat ?
Berhati-hati ketika join MLM. lihat profile syarikat. Tengok siapa CEOnya dan taukeh MLM tersebut. Tanyakan siapa disebalik syarikat tersebut. Bukan apa, takut dulu mereka ni ada bad reputation.
Tengok produk. Apa produk nya. Siapa yang membuat produk tu? Asal produk tu? harga berpatutan? kalau setakat kopi jual sampai RM150 satu kotak dan ada 10 paket je dalam kotal tu baik tak payah join. Kalau makanan, pastikan halal. Kalau benda kesihatan, pastikan ada sijil dari pihak yang berwajib. Lihat sama ada produk berkesan atau tidak.
Plan pendapatan. Kalau terlalu bagus, jangan lekas nak join. Itu mungkin jenis syarikat 2-3 tahun je lepas tu tutup akibat over paid. Tak pun syarikat just nak habiskan produk dia sahaja. Plan pendapat biar munasabah. Risik-risik siapa yang buat plan tersebut. kebanyakkan Leader-leader besar MLM memang suka buat plan besar. Ingat, lagi besar plan, lagi banyak duit kena labur, lagi besar peluang duit nak melebur! bagi Leader-leader besar macam ini tak mengapa, dia masuk syarikat dah dapat RM10,000 dari syarikat.
Support dari syarikat. Pastikan ada support. Contoh buat meeting mereka organisekan, ada flyers, website dan bantuan pakar untuk produk tersebut.
Pastikan syarikat tu syarikat MLM. Mesti ada lesen AJL. Lesen ini jaminan perundangan untuk ahli kalau apa-apa terjadi pada syarikat. Ada syarikat yang guna plan networking tapi tak mengaku syarikat MLM pasal tak nak terbabit dengan Akta MLM. Ingat, kalau dah namanya ada networking, secara tak langsung itu tetap MLM walau apa pun yang dijual.
Modal. Ingat modal perlu sedikit. Cadangannya jangan labur lebih dari Rm 500 sekali masuk. Lagi skit lagi bagus. Biar untung kecil, asal pulangan munasabah. Jangan harap cepat kaya. Mula dengan perlahan-lahan. Cepat naik, selalunya cepat jatuh.
Tahu dan kenal potensi diri. Ingat! kalau semua orang boleh kaya dengan MLM pasti semua orang dah kaya. Realitinya MLM bukan untuk semua. Jual barang mungkin, bina network tu yang susah. Lagi susah nak maintain network.
Last but no least (kata orang putih) apabila kita join MLM ni cuba ingatkan yang kita bawak nama, jawatan dan pangkat kita sekali. Contoh, kalau kita kerja kerajaan. Pangkat pegawai. Itu juga lah yang kita bawa dalam MLM. Sebab orang akan kaitkan kita dengan apa yang kita buat dalam syarikat tu. Jadi, kalau busuk nama dalam syarikat, selalunya busuk juga nama dan jawatan kita dalam pekerjaan seharian kita. Jadi hati2 lah. Jaga nama baik tempat kita bekerja. (terpakai dalam kes part timerlah)
Apa dia pyramid scheme?
secara asas, piramid skim ini merupakan skim cepat kaya yang diubah menjadikan orang di atas lebih kaya dan yang di bawah merana.
Adakah MLM suatu skim cepat kaya?
Ya dan tidak.
MLM adalah sejenis piramid kuasa. Macam perjawatan dalam suatu syarikat. Ada CEO, ada pengurus dan ada pekerja.
Makin tinggi jawatan makin tinggi pendapatan.
Ya, apabila MLM itu menjual pangkat dan duit pendapatan dapat dari recruiting ahli baru. Maknanya, pendapatan ahli bukan dari jual produk tetapi daripada duit yuran/kemasukkan ahli baru.
Ini kerana, apabila makin ramai orang join, makin tinggi yuran/kemasukan boleh dikutip dan makin banyak duit upline boleh dapat. Contoh, satu MLM ni, dia buat 2 plan. Satu plan binary yang memang plan skim cepat kaya dan satu lagi plan beli pangkat.
Beli pangkat bermakna beli sekali banyak produk dan ahli akan dapat pangkat tertentu yang tentunya menjanjikan pulangan tertentu. Itu skim cepat kaya. Produk tak terjual yang terjual skim sahaja.
Tidak, apabila syarikat membuat ahli menjual produk. Dari jualan produk akan dapat komisyen. group sales juga diwajibkan. Ahli tidak dibenarkan beli produk banyak-banyak kecuali ahli adalah stokist. Hanya stokist boleh beli produk melebihi jumlah tertentu. Ini dilakukan oleh KLIFe untuk menjaga nama baik syarikat, produk dan juga ahli.
bacaan lanjut:
Ini dipetik dari pejabat peguam negeri Michigan USAhttp://michigan.gov/ag/0,1607,7-164-...1450--,00.html
Multi-Level marketing plans vs. Pyramid schemes -- what Is the difference?
Multi-level marketing plans typically involve a parent company that sells products to consumers through independent sales people.
Generally, independent sales people do not receive a salary -- rather, they are compensated based on the amount of product that they sell.
Multi-level marketing plans are generally legal in Michigan.
The key difference between a legal multi-level marketing plan and an illegal pyramid scheme is that a multi-level marketing plan bases compensation almost entirely on the amount of product sold, whereas an illegal pyramid scheme is based on the amount of people recruited.
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